ACEP21 Courses to Elevate Your Career | Innovation
Times and locations are subject to change as COVID continues to impact the in-person meeting. Please confirm with the mobile app for the most current information.
There’s an App for That! Phone Apps You Should Know About
Monday | 8:30-9 a.m.
Location: Room 160, BCEC
Faculty: Jason C. Wagner, MD, FACEP
Access to information on cell phones and other devices has exploded in the past decade and some applications are more useful than others. Dr. Wagner will review the most useful application for the busy practitioner in day-to-day practice, giving specific examples that are available at low or no cost.
Coming to a Shop Near You: The Latest & Greatest in ED Technology
Monday | 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Location: Room 205, BCEC
Faculty: Jason C. Wagner, MD, FACEP
Stay ahead of the game to learn new technology coming to an ED shop near you. This session will include rapid fire discussion of new tools and tech within emergency medicine, including topics such as airway, ultrasound, digital health, software, diagnostic and other equipment to modernize your practice and personal life.
The Dark Sides of Social Media: How to Deal With Trolling & Harassment
Wednesday | 9-9:30 a.m.
Location: Room 156, BCEC
Faculty: Nikita Joshi, MD
Social media is an integral part of our lives as physicians. It is an outlet for connection and learning, but there are downsides. What if you are a victim of harassment, bullying, gaslighting or trolling? Come to this lecture to learn more about the downsides of social media, how to protect yourself and what to do if you are a victim.