NEMPAC Fundraising Update
Advocating for emergency medicine

While enjoying ACEP21 in Boston, hundreds of ACEP members also confirmed and celebrated their commitment to advocacy on behalf of emergency medicine and patients. As in years past, ACEP council members stepped up to the plate during the NEMPAC Council Challenge to ensure that emergency medicine stays at the top of the leaderboard among medical PACs.
Prior to and during the Council meeting over the weekend, the Nation Emergency Medicine Political Action Committee (NEMPAC) collected a near-record total of $280,000 from Council members. Of note is the strong support by all councillors representing the Emergency Medicine Resident Association (EMRA) who strive each year to be the first group within the Council to reach 100% participation at the premier “Give-a-Shift” donor level.
More than 30 chapters also reached 100% participation this year: Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Lousiana, Ohio, Massachusetts, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin and West Virginia.
A number of sections participated at 100%: Democratic Group Practice, Diversity & Inclusion, Young Physicians, Disaster Medicine, Wilderness Medicine, Locum Tenens, Pain Management, Medical Directors, Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, Careers in EM, and Undersea Medicine.
Combined with thousands of donations from ACEP members across the country, NEMPAC is well on the way to reach the goal of $2 million for the 2022 election cycle, despite the many challenges that have faced emergency physicians throughout the pandemic and in the policy arena. This outpouring of support during this pivotal time for emergency medicine will ensure that NEMPAC can continue to educate new and veteran lawmakers and help emergency medicine identify friends and champions in Congress so that ACEP’s ambitious legislative stays on course now and in the future. Candidates worthy of NEMPAC support are vetted and approved by the NEMPAC Board of Trustees who value those who will support emergency medicine issues and are committed to bi-partisan advocacy.
On Sunday evening during ACEP21, hundreds of NEMPAC VIP donors were recognized at a special reception for their generous support of NEMPAC throughout the past year. View the VIP donors on p. 22 of the ACEP21 Onsite Program (although that does not include those who reached this designation here at ACEP21).
For more information about NEMPAC, please go to .
To add your support to that of thousands of your ACEP colleagues, text NEMPAC to 50457. You will need the ACEP ID# on your ACEP21 badge.
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