Sep 12th, 2022
Countdown to ACEP22: Reserve Your Spot for Skills Labs, Pre-conference Sessions, and HackED!
Look for advance sign-up requirements.

As we prepare for ACEP22 in a few weeks, we want to remind you about certain activities that have advanced sign-ups:
- Pre-Conference Courses covering a broad span of topics
- Skills Labs for extra hands-on learning opportunities
- HackED!, a fun new competition in conjunction with Stanford University StEMI X innovators, ACEP’s Emergency Medicine Data Institute and ACEP’s Health IT Committee
- Onsite childcare—reservations are due Sept. 23
- Section Social Events: Have fun with section members! The Cruise Ship Medicine Section is touring a cruise ship and learning about working at sea, and the Social EM Section is hosting a session on responsible firearm ownership. Sign up!
See you in San Francisco! Register today.
Visit ACEP22 Meeting News Central for more articles.